Sunday, 5 August 2012

Oxygen ICS

If you would like to see Oxygen ICS on the P500 I need your help.

My computer (Macbook late 2009) is not powerful enough to make builds in good time. Also I need to use it almost all the time and during builds this is impossible. Full ICS builds take around 5-6 hours on my computer (build on native OS X, no virtual image) and even if I would make one build a day, that would mean that I couldn't use my computer for 5-6 hours and that is quite unacceptable.

If you feel that you want this project to go on then please use the widget in the sidebar to donate. I will post images with any invoices I receive from the hosting service.

If we manage to get the required 40$ in a month then I will request the service. If not, then I will refund everybody who has donated here.

Thank you all!